Now that the last official bike race of the season has passed us by, its time to open the curtains a little to the world of race planning. I don’t think anyone is taking for granted the work Mike Crawford has done over the years, putting on hundreds of events […]
Personal bike projects are an inevitability in the life of a bicycle mechanic. First you want to try one thing, and then another, and pretty soon you’ve got a stable of bikes and they’ve all been through various incarnations. You’ve had a porteur rack, that bikes been fixed, you ran […]
Cross Cross Cross

8/20/15 Race Recap The race started off poorly. I was putting something in my seat pack when the starter said racers ready, and by the time I raised up to say no, the race was a go. Barreling down the hill behind the pack I tried to make up ground […]
Race 7 Recap: The Twisted Chain
We had a busy weekend up here in the Bike Loft. As always, Tri-the-Kenai energizes the community and brings athletes in from all over the state and the world. In the days leading up to the event, a buzz starts to build in the shop. We’re busy prepping rentals and […]
Bike Sunday
Every Tuesday. We meet at 6:00 pm, leave at 6:15 pm We ride bikes. Up here in the Bike Loft, we seem to get asked about group rides frequently. Perhaps its because group rides are a bike shop staple, or perhaps its because this area looks to us as a […]
We All Ride Bikes, Together
Its very nearly May, and that can only mean one thing, our Bike Month Challenge is back and better than ever. Last year was the first year we threw down the gauntlet and challenged you to ride your bike to work every day. Every five days ridden entered you in […]
Ride Yer’ Bikes, Get Swag (Stuff.We.All.Get)
The bike industry is a great example of trickle down innovation. It’s a world where the high end technology funds the continued improvement of the mid-range components, and it’s also a world where media and advertisement focuses on that expensive technology. In ways it works much like the auto industry. […]