
Now that the last official bike race of the season has passed us by, its time to open the curtains a little to the world of race planning. I don’t think anyone is taking for granted the work Mike Crawford has done over the years, putting on hundreds of events […]

How the Race was Made

Personal bike projects are an inevitability in the life of a bicycle mechanic. First you want to try one thing, and then another, and pretty soon you’ve got a stable of bikes and they’ve all been through various incarnations. You’ve had a porteur rack, that bikes been fixed, you ran […]

Cross Cross Cross

We had a busy weekend up here in the Bike Loft. As always, Tri-the-Kenai energizes the community and brings athletes in from all over the state and the world. In the days leading up to the event, a buzz starts to build in the shop. We’re busy prepping rentals and […]

Bike Sunday

Every Tuesday. We meet at 6:00 pm, leave at 6:15 pm We ride bikes. Up here in the Bike Loft, we seem to get asked about group rides frequently. Perhaps its because group rides are a bike shop staple, or perhaps its because this area looks to us as a […]

We All Ride Bikes, Together

The bike industry is a great example of trickle down innovation. It’s a world where the high end technology funds the continued improvement of the mid-range components, and it’s also a world where media and advertisement focuses on that expensive technology. In ways it works much like the auto industry. […]

Hike Your Own Hike